DOT MANDALA WORKSHOP – a journey to inner peace
Mandalas are geometric shapes that are understood in many traditions as the highest spiritual art form. The painting of mandalas is a wonderful activity for meditation, self-expression and calming the mind and body. When painting, stress is reduced and inner peace and harmony will return. The beauty of mandalas is that they not only give us peace, but also open a path to ourselves. They are an expression of your unique creative self.
In this workshop I will introduce a technique called DOT MANDALA (dot mandala) and the tools needed for creating beautiful and individualized patterns. This technique has something magical and hypnotic about it: painting dots in this way triggers a meditative state in the attentive viewer and helps the painter steadily move to a place of inner peace. This method centers and balances the soul. The workshop does not require any special skills or previous knowledge. The desire to try it out and play with colors is all that is required.
Intuitive painting – a personal journey of self-discovery
Intuitive painting is a simple technique for creative expression and you do not need any artistic experience or previous knowledge to do it.
It is a method of painting which invites us intoi ntensive contact with ourselves and our own creativity. The stress of everyday life fades out as we embark on a creative journey ofself-discovery. We stop, we listen and we go where our heart leads us. Thoughts and feelings are welcome and find their expression in our painting.
What’s important is that we paint from intuition instead of planning a painting. This leads to a new encounter with oneself. It is suitable for all who are interested in creative expression and who want to build a loving relationship with themselves. In the creative process we live in the here and now and give ourselves a mindful moment of peace and relaxation.